Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Freedom of Speech

My hot topic for this weeks post was on a students right to free speech. While googling some hot topics for this week there were a few I read that struck me off course.This particular article caught my attention, seeing that I myself like to talk.
Back in 2007 the U.S Supreme Court had to make the decision on a students right to free speech with the case Morse vs. Frederick. This case had to with a high school student Frederick holding up a sign at an off campus event that read "Bong hits 4 Jesus". The principal Morse saw the sign took it away from Frederick and then suspended him from school for ten days. Frederick disagreed with Morse's reaction and sued the school for freedom of speech.
After reading this I agreed with both the student and the principal in this case. For one thing the student was dumb for holding up a sign that clearly had to do with promoting drugs at a school event. Even if the event was not held at school grounds it was still a school function. Kind of like prom, if you show up intoxicated then you will have to leave and consequences will follow. So Frederick should have been suspended for some time regarding the situation. I do not agree with the ten days could have been less. As with the students freedom of speech, he was not being violated for saying whats on his mind it is what he said that got him into the situation. If his sign said Save the Whales or something to do with gay marriages and he got that reaction from the principal I would have been on his side. As for the principal he or she was only abiding by the rules of the school. I think students sometimes forget that even if it is a school event that is not held at the school the same rules follow even if you were there.Kids need to be reminded of these things.

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