Thursday, February 26, 2009

College tuition

Recently all Salem State college employees and students got an email regarding the budget cut of 2.2 million dollars. How does that effect us? Most likely that means higher tuition. With the costs of textbooks, gas, and other living expenses this just add to the stress for both parents and students. Not just SSC is feeling the pitch, colleges such as BC, Yale, and other prestigious schools are also having a hard time with students wanting to go their due to tuition being to high. What people do not understand is when our economy starts to fail and job loses are spiking up everywhere college is either not an option or they chose state schools. Now if state schools jack up there tuition are college accepting rates going to go down? With everything that is going on in this country as well as others people may have to stop attending school in order to help out their families. Right now in my house my mother and I are the only ones working. I work two jobs as is while going to school full time. My stepfather and brother are most recently laid off. Now if this continues will I have to sacrifice my education in order to keep the home we all live in? I know it is not SSC fault but the government needs to realize they are going to affect a lot of students with this increase.

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