Thursday, April 23, 2009

Building a house

I decided to compare education to building a house. When you first build a house there are plans that are drawn out to guide the contractors along. With education the plans are also set. There is elementary, middle, and high school. All in which has to be completed before students move on to bigger and greater accomplishments. Next comes the foundation. Elementary school sets the foundation for all students. Everything that students learn in grades K-5 are the building blocks to the rest of your career. The foundation on a house keeps the house steady so the house does not move or topple over. Elementary school teachers teach students their foundation for the rest of their lives.
Middle school is like the roof. The roof in a house keeps water or other weather from seeping in. Middle school can make and or break students like a roof. When there is a leaky roof problems then arise within the house. In middle school when problems happen then there usually more problems arise as well. Windows and other intimate details within the house is like high school. All the material learned in high school is covering all the other important material learned in the lower grades. In education all you see is the details not the hard work from past grades that lead you up to that point. When contractors build a house all you see is the finish work not what the house looks like without the walls painted and the furniture enclosed within. Education is special but all people see is the end result not the process students had to go through until the end. Also like a house education never ends there is always new information to be learned, and there is always the upkeep of a house so it does not fall.

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