Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Charter Schools

Charter Schools are independent public schools that are supported by state funds but do not follow public school regulations. Charter schools first developed in 1990's. Come to think of it that is not that long ago. Charter schools are ran differently than public schools. What I enjoy about Charter schools is how the run throughout the year. From what I was told from my stepmother who attended a Charter school was students go all year round. That may sound scary to us as students but hear me out, every nine weeks the students gets two weeks off. For Christmas they get a month off, and yes they do get some what of a summer break they get 8 weeks off. Students do not forget that much over summer vacation because the summer is shorter. What interested me in Charter schools was I would not mind getting a two week vacation every nine weeks or so. That is not a bad deal. Holidays I was not sure depends on the individual school I am sure. What I also liked about Charter schools was parents are allowed to get more involved in their child's education. Teachers also have more of a say on what happens and goes on within the school. Teachers always know best when it comes to their students so they should have more of a say on what goes on. Charter schools also reach out to those students who may get lost in the public school setting as well. Charter schools may not be for every child but for many they may just save their education.


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